Texas Rangers hosted the Houston Astros at the Rangers Ballpark at Arlington.

A stone's throw from Jerry's World (Dallas Cowboy's stadium). Six Flags is just behind us to complete the whole Dallas tourist experience.

I had not been to the "new" ballpark here and did enjoy the still humid night air as we watched the game and storm clouds gather all around us. Sitting there I was remembering a month ago when it last rained that the ball game was hail (not rain) delayed.

So what songs do they sing at other ballparks?

Almost forgot. Be certain to wear the local team attire to the Ballpark. This little girl in blue was to be our in-seat hostess. When she greeted us with a sneer and an almost unkind word about our Astros shirts we pretty much decided we could get our own snacks.

Is this supposed to be the sun? (Can
you understand those announcers?)
Tonight was to be special. Houston-based Reliant Energy was promoting a new solar electricity program by attempting to set a world record for the “most people wearing sunglasses at night”. 30,000 sunglasses were available when we walked in with the instructions to don them during the 6th inning. ("A spokeswoman for Reliant declined to say how much Reliant is spending on the 30,000 pairs of shades."
* )

Counting down the 10 minutes we were to wear our glasses. Guinness judge somewhere in attendance.

The game continues. Still wearing our glasses.

Times up. There is no current record for this feat so I am certain we are in.

Seventh inning stretch. This is a busy night!

Seventh inning and Astros are still up 4-2.

Still there.
Now, the guy in the blue hat and family leave. The game is tied!
I will not go into the game details but the worst team in the National League (Astros - per Dallas tv commentator) held off the bridesmaid team of the American League (Rangers - per TufaGirl) for 2 additional innings.

Alas, the Rangers knocked in the winning run and the special night was over.
Leaving our seats, the wind kicked in and then you could see the lightening. Oh, no. I see the shuttle bus and we walk as quickly as the wind gusts would allow. Rode the shuttle around (we were the last stop) and got to the truck just as the heavens let go.

I am very thankful for the day's pleasant ending and hopeful this rain system makes its all the way south.
Hope the weather is just the way you want it wherever you are.
P.S. The Guiness posting about the record 424 wearing sunglasses, and ESPN report here.
Glad you had a fun night out.
That's pretty cool. I've never been to a professional baseball game before and had no idea it would be so large and so busy. I have this weird impression of baseball as a boring sport. I'm thinking that's the wrong impression!
Oh, I love ball games! It looks like a great game - and the rain didn't start until afterward! Yeah! But - that's kind of odd about the sunglasses thing. Guess you can say you're in the records book!
You sure don't have luck with guys in hats when you are at sporting events, do you? I have the same thing happen to me all the time, too, lol.
I have never been to a baseball game. It looks like fun, I'll have to remember to wear the correct attire though, would hate to be snarled at!
There is so much to do up there in Big D. We got about an inch of rain the other night!! Woohoo - the grass greened up overnight! It was lovely...send more!
Wow! I used to have a half season ticket to the Pirates! That's when they were competitive! We may be on the verge again. We actually beat Boston last night. Glad you got in before the rain let loose. I'll have to tell my rainstorm story on a roller coaster at Cedar Point! We weren't so lucky as you were and there was lightning too!
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