Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's All About the Peeping - Part 2

Things are getting back to normal. Well, as normal as you can get without any tree canopy during the heat of summer.... I digress.

So, the backyard neighbors have fixed their fence except for this one little section. I admit it has been a handy spot to be able to swap storm stories with them. I also got to see all the new landscaping and cute yard art they are keeping all to themselves. (See the original photos at Along Life's Highway posting.)

Then yesterday I noticed this new birdhouse. It is quite the colorful addition to their yard. Nice little distraction piece to stop the eye from traveling to the splintered planks behind. I know there are plenty of displaced birds in our neighborhood looking for a new home - I hope they enjoy it as much as I do.

Have a birdhouse to share? Head over to this week's edition of:


lifeshighway said...

No way, you don't even have to travel outside your backyard.

It is cute, though

Linda said...

That is a cute and colourful birdhouse to take a peep at.