Looking a bit like an ice monster after my bird feeder...
The trees are heavy with the frozen rain and the ground is covered with 3-4 inches of sleet we received in Fort Worth.
Ending this all with a happy note. After a week in the gloom, the sun is out today in full force and will melt the ice away. Finally.

That many hours below freezing is not fun. All that ice sticking around is pretty amazing this early in the year.
It is good to see the sun after so many damp cloudy days. It's still cold in SA but seems to be warming up quickly yet more cold is predicted the next few days.
Thanks for the record stats! I always seem to pay attention to records in the summer when we are tracking 100-degree days or days without rain, but I've never thought about checking records of freezing temps. Interesting. I was here for the Super Bowl Winter where the winning Green Bay Packers probably felt right at home, but I didn't move here till '86, so I missed the 1983 freeze. I've heard the stories, though. My yard is still full of ice. Hoping tomorrow there will be melting progress as it's supposed to get into the 40s. Take care....
I remember 1983. Everything was frozen - people even went ice skating on parts of Lake Palestine! (not me) But we did play ice hokey on a little pond here. And all my water lines froze!
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