Monday, December 10, 2012

Spotted things


 ok, you get the idea


had a bit of trouble with white fly as it has been so warm. 
looks like plenty of reinforcements have arrived to help.

 aargh! cucumber beetle
another one =  not a good thing to spot

a light dusting of snow in the parking lot this morning. my whining is over.
hopefully the ladybugs are snug in the salad greens by now.

spotted anything good/bad today?


Cat said...

Ah! You had snow?! Oh my! It's getting colder here and I'm hoping all the butterflies and such that were busy pollinating yesterday have found a cozy spot to ride out this blast of cold. Very windy here today and MUCH colder. Freeze expected tonight. I'm going to miss all the flowers. Tons of butterflies and bees have been around lately. Oh yes, and one evil grasshopper!

HolleyGarden said...

Every photo I shoot has a cucumber beetle in it, I think! :( I can't believe you have snow! I am hoping the freeze we are expected to get tonight won't hurt my vegetable garden. I bet your little ladybugs will be plastered all over the windows trying to get in out of the cold!

Anonymous said...

This was the first year I spotted the cucumber beetle, even though I have grown cucumbers before. The pumpkins brought them in. I never see lacewings either. Lady beetles are so darn cute, but are really voracious in the bug world. I wish the whole garden was filled with them. Nice photos too.

Unknown said...

The butterflies have been pentiful in the gardens this last weekend.I am glad I have only seen a few cucumber beetles so far. They are wiley bugs as they burrow deep into a flower (roses are their favorite) to hide from the cold. Just a dusting of snow and gone when the sun came out. It was just the right amount.

Marguerite said...

I love all the spots on those ladybugs. We usually get the six spotted ones here. You should add those to the Lost Ladybug Project - they keep records of the different types of ladybugs across the country. Great project and lots of fun identifying the different types.

Casa Mariposa said...

Snow? It was 68 here today! Everything is asleep in my garden except for the birds. Thanks for your wise pruning advice. I did some pruning but don't mind if my trees are kissin' cousins. :o)

Unknown said...

It seems I have the Harmonia axyridis - the Japanese Ladybug - which has been introduced to control aphids and scale and have naturalized nicely in the U.S. Much to learn about ladybugs - Thank you, Marguerite!