Fort Worth Alliance Airport (Alliance International Center) was developed by H. Ross Perot (yes, that one) and his son (Jr.) together with the FAA and the City of Fort Worth. It is considered to be the first purely industrial airport and sitting in the middle of an industrial park allows air freight access to rail service as well as the busy Interstate 35 corridor.
Enough back information, on to the show...
It seems there are more planes that fold for easy transport...
Planes that take up the whole view finder of my camera...
which I am certain has some military historical significance to each unit.
With sponsorship comes the obligatory "company area". While folks stood in the food line that wrapped around the tent, I picked our way to the front by the runway.
With second row (ground seating) I really did not want to be right underneath the guy in the Oracle plane.
Yes, he has won lots of awards. How much sense does he have if he continues to do these minus 6 G swings through the sky?
The Finale - The Blue Angels
Just a little more Texas pride...
That. school. bus. is. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
I have video....
What fun! I popped over to see if you still want hollyhock seeds. Send me your address if you do.
THEN! I got here and was sooo entertained by these fun pics. That top one is quite the big ass helicopter. Shallow girl that I am, when I hit the big time I'm gonna buy me a pink one.
And, THEN! The best scene ever! I loved Jericho. How could cancel that? It was so good!
Kate, yes to the seed, I will email you. The Texas Air Guard plane reminded me of Jericho - so I had to add the videos. Thanks for stopping by.
Somehow this post got by me, TG! Got to show my sweetie! He will love it! Especially the girl on the plane. He is a big WWII buff. We took our friend, Jim, out for dinner last night. He was a B-17 pilot in WWII!
This Air show you featured reminds me of when we lived in Omaha and went to Offut AFB. I think my husband loved it more than me, but it will still pretty cool! The helicopters are great.
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