Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How Do I Get One of These?

I first saw a corn crib in real life while on our trip to Minnesota/Wisconsin a couple summers ago.

I had always wanted a cotton trailer to disassemble and use in the garden.

cotton trailers in West Texas

I had never seen a corn crib like those used "up north"

I am used to seeing grain storage that looks like this. (From scenic Martindale, Texas)

So when I saw corn cribs dotting the countryside just sitting there...

I knew this would be the perfect accessory for the loft garden 
and I knew I should be able to get one...  

until I read this

It seems if you can get your hands on them, you make these...

From BHG

::Sigh::  It seems you folks already had my brilliant idea.

 Found both these photos on Pinterest and now I am on a mission again.

How do I find one that I can take home?  I have a truck.

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stiener said...

I can dig that !

Karen said...

Cindy, they are all over the place up here, as you well know. We never had a round one here on the farm, ours was long and narrow, but was made from wire. I tried to buy one from a neighbor lady who is not farming anymore and has five of 'em, but she wouldn't part with them.

Do you see the similarity to Aaargh here? The corn cribs and silos were our inspiration. I love silos, too.

creekside rummager said...

Very cute and interesting as I haven't seen these being in CA.
Love old farm stuff though.

HolleyGarden said...

I've never seen a corn crib, but I love that inspiration pic from BHG. I hope you get one!

Carol said...

Oh that would be great in the Loft Garden. I used to see these in Illinois all the time but I haven't here in Missouri...but them I haven't been looking for them ...until now :0)

Casa Mariposa said...

I haven't seen a corn crib in forever but I love the gazebo idea. Check Craigslist?

Marguerite said...

I've never seen a corn crib before (strictly from silo part of the country I guess) but what an awesome idea how to transform them. Surely they must be some farmers who would be happy to be rid of a few?

Lemon Verbena Lady said...

If I know you, you will find one, girlfriend! You have some good ideas to get started. xxoo Nancy

Kimberly said...

I grew up with corn cribs and silos. Love your picks! I've nominated you for a Beautiful Bloggers award and linked to your blog in my latest post. Enjoy!