Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Not Quite Like the One on Pinterest

Do you pinterest?  (shameless self promotion...) If so, you may have seen some pallet projects. (pallet boards on pinterest).  Here is a pallet project photo an associate sent me recently, so I pinned it.

Looks like a interesting project for an outdoor area. Look how they have the edges of the pallets planted.  Now, let me remind you I live in Texas.  How long do we actually think these beds would last during the heat and drought of a normal summer here? In full sun?

Well, my associate is opening a beirgarten at a neighboring building and wants to build a pallet fence full of plants for the new outdoor area. I have tried to remind her how hot it is, there is no shade, the water source is very far away, etc. to no avail.

The project starts with one little panel (10 wide) as my landlord (also the owner of the new property) wants to see how this is going to look.  Luckily, there is a place right down the street from the loft garden that has these cool, long, narrow pallets.

I have our building handyman cut them down to 100 inches long.

I bring the burlap bags left over from my fall leaf mulching project.  I  folded them in half and secured them on the back side of the really narrow pallet to form some planting pockets. Hopefully, these pockets will hold enough soil and amendments to keep the plants relatively cool and moist. (Really, who am I kidding?)

So here is today's project built.  Not very straight and even like the pallet projects on Pinterest. I need to find a source of perfectly square pallets.  Of course, folks will be looking at the plantings (I hope) and not notice our lack of plumb.


Unknown said...

That's an ambitious project. I think it looks great and once planted it will look good. That looks like a lot of hard work. Good job. I sure couldn't have done it.

Carol said...

A big project you have taken on and I bet it will look really cool!

stiener said...

It never occured to me to use pallets like that. Keep us posted !

HolleyGarden said...

Wow! Neat idea! I don't do pinterest - I am missing a lot! I understand her desire for plants, even though you have pointed out that it will take maintenance. I hope your project, and her new endeavor, are both very successful.

Unknown said...

I think it looks great just the way it is. I saw the original of your Pinterest inspiration at Canada Blooms this past March - it was ambitious. it was awesome. I pinned it and shared it with a ton of people with plans to make a wall just like you have - I didn't get to it.

Can't wait to see your project all planted up.

Cat said...

Good for you! I've made a pinterest board for pins I've actually made. There aren't many on there! Yours turned out great. Can't wait to see it planted up!

Anonymous said...

I never saw a project like this. The one you found on Pinterest is really interesting, but I agree, finding better palettes is a key. I am surprised they could build it that high, then use a ladder to climb on top. It does not look too structurally sound.