Saturday, February 18, 2012

Garden Wish List

Orange Symphony Osteospermum

A new variety of Erysimum (wallflower) - why didn't I write down the name?

A quick post to tell y'all it is raining now (not snowing). I figure gardening and planting may actually occur in the loft garden this year. I need to be ready with plant selections.

The roses are budding and blooming. I really should have put some fertilizer out before this rain. Pruning will begin next week.

Weeding is in progress.  The dandelions are doing well, also...

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creekside rummager said...

OK! - time for fun - planning for the spring garden.

Shyrlene said...

GREAT Wish list!! Cool photos!

(What is it with dandelions? It's February 18th - and that's the main 'green' we can see so far.)

Carol said...

I am so ready to start planting too. I need to get my list going :0)

HolleyGarden said...

I want that wall flower! And I can't believe your roses are already blooming!!!

Marguerite said...

Love osteospurnum in all the colours. Such pretty pretty flowers. Well, at least the dandelions are getting on with it and then will hopefully get out of the way so the proper flowers get their turn.

heather @ new house, new home, new life said...

I'm counting the days till spring arrives in this area so that I can get going on my wish list - sadly it's another 6 weeks away here in Canada.

Enjoy the roses, they look beautiful.