Monday, February 20, 2012

Blowing in the Wind

F.J. Lindheimer

This was the bud from my previous posting. Out walking the dogs this morning and noticed she was open and about to be blown apart with our 35+ mph gusty South winds today.

Martha Gonzales
Tried to get Martha's beautiful bronzy foliage in the photo but the wind did not allow it.  At least this photo came out.


Carol said...

Beautiful blooms!!! Now I really can't wait for spring :0(

Amy said...

Pretty roses...reminds me I need to prune mine. :)

Marguerite said...

good job getting clear photos in the wind. I've tried that more than a few times and it's quite the chore (and doesn't often work!)

Donna@GWGT said...

I agree, taking photos in the wind is tough, and your images look good. I like your wish list below too.

Casa Mariposa said...

I really love the first rose. So beautiful!! If I can't have winter I want summer and flowers! Wah wah wah!!! What's its name??

Shyrlene said...

Tufa Girl! How goes it?

Ah, to have blooms; and such beauties! Thanks for sharing. :)

Shyrlene said...

Blooms!! How beautiful.