Monday, December 19, 2011

Tip Toe Transition

TufaGirl on Google +

I have entered into the world of Google Plus with much anticipation and with just the very tip of my toe...What?

I am not a Facebook fan. I just don't get it actually. I like that Google + lets me decide how to communicate with the world (? - silly there isn't anyone in your circles! - yet...) one circle or all at a time.

Now the rumor I am deciphering is Blogger will be Google Blogs in the near future. I am not certain how that will affect my little blogging world but I decided to take the leap (toe dip?) into Google + now.

How do you do it all? First, steps first. Get over to Google + and create your profile. Remember if you want to keep your "nom de plume" do not enter your real name in your profile. Then follow these instructions to get your Blogger blog postings onto Google +. (Google + would like you to do it from Google + but I am not ready!!!)

So, after the holiday rush and you have that calm "I want to play on the internet moment (day)" go to this link and learn how I have tip-toed into the Google + pool. I hope to find more helpful information for my transition. Not to worry I will share everything!

P.S. My apologizes if this posting has presented itself a zillion times in your reader list.... the linking did not happen quite like it said it would and I have found (hopefully) the fix.

If your posting does not magically appear on Google + page you may have to go to your blog settings and change the share to Google + to "yes" - mine did not automatically change....

 If the share screen does not appear (above) after your posting....

Like I said, you have that calm "I want to play on the internet moment (day)"....



HolleyGarden said...

Hmmmmm...... I am not ready to change, either! Although, I so appreciate you posting and showing us every step. I suppose when I am forced to, I will change, but it'll not be something I want to do!

Marguerite said...

I have no idea what Google plus is but I don't think I really want to know. Are you saying there's the possibility we will have to transition our blogs to a new format? me thinks it's time to leave blogger altogether.

Unknown said...

I don't think Blogger will be changing format - they are good about keeping the old versions around for people like me. I think Blogger will have more formatting to integrate into new formats like Google + (for people like me who don't use Facebook).

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. I really do not like FB, but have it for the blog only. Google + sounds more promising but my blog is a WP blog, so I wonder what problems that would cause. I guess it is wait and see. Thanks for the instructions and invite and if I decide to jump in, may refer back.

Diana Studer said...

plenty of Wordpress bloggers on G+. Remains to be seen what it will mean to blogspot.