Friday, December 30, 2011


Watching television awaiting the morning weather report here comes the obligatory New Year's resolution story.  The purpose of the news story was to tell you that your smart phone and its many apps can help you with this resolution process.  There are calorie counters (not for me - I am the obsessive type - who knew?), running program timers (too hot to run here - 6 months out of the year), but on the scroll I saw a "Photo Diary".  That might be interesting....

Ok, here goes.  My resolution is the same as the past few years -- clean up the mountain of photos in the computer. Of course, I now have a new obsession - taking a photo of each morning sunrise. Not to worry there is a back-up in place. So there are twice as many...  You may detect by the  tone of this post that this resolution of years past has not successful.  You would be correct.

I get out my Android smart phone and see if there is an app called "Photo Diary" - nope, the Apple people have all the good stuff that was covered in the news story.  Digging further I did find a great little program called "Memoires" which is free, has password protection and has no ads!   I can take a photo add it to the daily diary, it adds the current temperature and has room for notes.  Score!

Today's photo came from my diary entry as the program will allow you to message out your info (some programs do not have this function).  It has a GPS feature if you want to add that to your posting - which I figure will help me find those blooming nurseries again out in this new part of the world.  "Memoires" will definitely cut down the number of photos I take of street signs and such.  There may be an iPhone version.

The morning sunrise shots has be relegated to the 365 Project which I started last year and did not finish.  Somehow I did not take a photo every day - just mountains of photos when I did take the camera out.  Presently, all those on-line photos I want to keep handy are on Pinterest, birdhouse photos are on Tumblr or CheepRooms.  I have taken care of the photos of the future, and present, now onto photos past. 

Here is my badge, I have earned it.

Here goes... the resolution is to take the rainy days (I hope there are some) and sit down and delete or tag the photos in storage.   Now, I have put it out there to the New Year's resolution gods.  Let's see how I do this time.


Kimberly said...

Good luck with your resolutions. I like your sunrise shot. But tagging, filing,etc of all photos?! Whew! That's quite a job. I don't have any specific resolutions. Just the regular stuff that I aim for every day...good health, be kind, put God first (see my struggle? even in this list I've put Him 3rd...perhaps this should be a resolution!), cherish life and moments, sacrifice for someone else, etc. I'd like to blog more, but then I wouldn't be able to make my goals. HA!!! Oh well...! I wish you all the best in 2012!! Happy New Year!

Carol said...

Beautiful sunrise shot!!! Love ! Love! that old Texico sign!!!
I'm not doing resolutions this year. I'm trying something new...A Focus Word. I have my word choice narrowed down to 2 and I'll decide which one tomorrow.

HolleyGarden said...

I'm going to have to address my mountain of photos eventually. But, not this year! :) I hadn't even thought about resolutions yet! Guess I need to get busy!

Anonymous said...

I like your resolution and should pledge the same. I like your badge too.

Shyrlene said...

Tufa Girl - good luck with your Resolution(s); sometimes I think if we called them something else, there wouldn't be the 'bad juju' associated with them? I like your idea of making 'rainy days' the clean up days.

Happy New Year!!

Marguerite said...

I'm with you in that I don't take photos every day but when I do take the camera out, watch out! I was interested to see another Android user out there, it seems to becoming more popular (hubby has an android pad) and I'm sure more apps will come along in the future. Although I'm a mac user I do think Apple is a tad inflexible at times and android is much nicer as it's able to interact with other software.

The Sage Butterfly said...

I can relate. I finally added an external hard drive to store my photos.