Saturday, March 17, 2012


Ever watch those "storm chaser" shows on the weather channel? My sweetie and I will watch them every once in a while. I always wonder how they figure out which little country road is going to get them to the perfect angle for photographing the storm they are chasing. My sweetie insists we would be good at it.

This evening we were heading out from the loft apartment parking lot and I got a glimpse of the sunset. "No, don't stop here," I tell my sweetie. "Go up the hill and turn right."

Up the hill and to the right. Drat, big ol' transformer in the shot. "Take a right on Main and go down to Broadway. Then I can get the church in the shot." As soon as I finished my sentence I remembered the storm chaser show.

I turned to my driver (and great one he is) and said, "Still think we would be good at the storm tracking thing?"

Hope you have a great driver and a beautiful sunset - wherever you are.


Carol said...

Beautiful shot! My sweetie and I are usually being chased by the storm. It seems like every time we take the motorcycle out we run into a storm and have to race it home.

Donna@GWGT said...

Sunsets here are never as pretty as those elsewhere and I always love seeing them where ever they occur. A pretty image that you shot!

creekside rummager said...

You chased down a beautiful shot.

heather @ new house, new home, new life said...

Beautiful shot - love chasing a good storm or sunset!!!

Cat said...

We do have awesome sunsets in Texas! Great shot!!

The Sage Butterfly said...

Breathtaking sunset...with the most amber of skies...lovely! Sunsets can make a softie out of anyone...

Marguerite said...

I always wonder how they can chase those storms and yet seemingly never get caught in the middle of it all. You certainly did a great job, love the buildings outlined across the red sky.

Casa Mariposa said...

Are you ok?? How close/far are you from those tornadoes?? Let us know if you're doing alright!!!

Donna@GWGT said...

I hope all is OK in your part of Texas. I saw the news and thought of you. I hope the tornadoes did not affect you or any of your family. Also, this sunset image is really pretty, I did see it before and failed to leave the comment.

Chris said...

Hi there, beautiful sunset. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris